Tuesday, September 22, 2009


On the blog Weblogg-ed the post “Don’t Don’t Don’t vs. Do Do Do” by Will Richardson, talks about the internet policies at schools. He had an experience at a school where the students and teachers were all given an 8 page packet on what not to do on the internet, which basically said do not use the school internet for socializing. He then claims that having blocks on the web prevents students from interacting with other students, experts, and other teachers that would benefit the students learning. He also said that if students were taught from an early age how to use the internet responsibly, they would not sit around and play games instead of learning. I agree with Mr. Richardson, because I do not normally play games on the internet anyway, and being able to chat with other people about a subject we are learning in class would be really cool. It would be like the web cam Mrs. Smith has set up for the kids who are sick, but instead of being at home we could talk with someone from another country, that would help immensely with foreign language credits. All in all I agree with Mr. Richardson, because kids can’t get a full experience with a computer if they cant use it to it’s fullest extent.

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